Ozone to Nourish Your Oral Microbiome, Heal Faster, and Prevent Infections
How does the ozone work so effectively?
Ozone is highly anti-bacterial/viral. The O3 bio-active oxygen reacts to selectively kill harmful anaerobic bacteria while nourishing the good aerobic bacteria. The Ozone creates a perfect storm for a healthy microbiome in your mouth to flourish while your Implant is healing.
The bio-active oxygen also nourishes the tissues and cells of the implant site, giving them the energy they need to regenerate and remodel.
After surgery, we use an ozonated fluid to rinse your extraction site and gums. Then we put an ozonated gel on your implant site after placement. We send you home with a special ozonated mouthwash that you will use three times a day.
This mouth wash helps prevent infections while continuously nourishing your gum's blood supply with bio-active oxygen to accelerate